
By DawnAgain

May Day

It's my lovely Mum's (three quarters of a century) birthday today and I, for one, have thoroughly enjoyed it! I picked her up at 10am and the two of us went to Busbridge Lakes where we spent a very pleasant couple of hours in the sunshine wandering around, taking in the beautiful surroundings and the many birds that were all busily enjoying the weather too, including this peacock who was pulling out all the stops to impress the female. We also had coffee and shortbread (Mum) and a cream tea (me) sitting by the top lake.

Then we headed back to my place, arriving just as Dad and Uncle John pulled up, where Mr DawnAgain had cooked a wonderful roast dinner with three desserts. We then spent the rest of the afternoon watching a bit of football, doing some quizzes (the girls won) and consuming a bit of tea and cake. I may not eat anything else for a while...

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