Blue Sunrise

I sat here this morning thinking about my childhood and about my Mom.
So many great memories- hanging clothes out to dry, picking tomatoes from the garden, getting new shoes for school and blowing out birthday candles- all with my Mom.
It was fun to have pancakes for dinner. I didn't know it was because we didn't have money at the end of the week for anything else.
It was great to have a new dress at Easter, one that my Mom made. I didn't know that my Mom went to work with holes in the soles of her shoes in order to save for that dress material.
My Mom made everyday fun.
It wasn't until I was a teenager that I realized what she sacrificed for her children.
But she would tell you today that it wasn't a sacrifice, that she had fun with us, that she grew up with us.
I would not trade the memories that she gave me for anything.
Funny how happy memories can somehow make you feel a little blue.

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