Never has so much...

These RAF wings belonged to SHH's father who was in the RAF during WW2.  They are now a treasured possession, one of very few left over from a life that was all too short. Having survived the war, this particular young man met and married SHH's mother in Whitby in about 1947.  They took up teaching, moved to Northamptonshire, or somewhere near Stowe.  John (Rob's Dad) loved to work on cars and unfortunately one day in 1954, whilst working on the car, he suffered an aneurysm and died.  Rob's mother was sixth months pregnant at the time and she was delivered of twin boys a couple of months later.  Hard Times.  The twins were called John and Robert, after their father and his brother, who was killed in a wartime flying training accident somewhere over Norfolk.  Sad Times.

So here are the wings for monomonday today.

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