MonoMonday: Wings

On the walk this morning I was alerted to something going on when I could hear two magpie larks making a helluva noise. We went over to the tree they were in and for a minute I couldn't figure out what they were on about until suddenly this little owl took off and the magpie larks chased him to another tree.

We followed of course! It was quite thrilling and I stood under the tree trying to get a shot of the two magpie larks trying to peck the owl!! Needless to say it was almost impossible to get them all into one shot! And impossible for them to actually peck the owl, it was all noise and no action!! :o)

Mr Owl kept one eye on me and the other on the magpie larks! ;o)

I've put a shot of the magpie larks in as an extra and here also is a link to a YouTube clip of their piercing 'song' ;o)

Thanks to nikkimags888 for hosting MM, and although you can't see them Mr Owl definitely has wings!! :o))

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