Looking Forward...

By Fiono

A typical evening at holiday club HQ

I told you you'd be seeing a lot of these two this week. This is the part of the holiday club the children don't see. Penni is busy writing tomorrow's teaching material for the group leaders and Laura and I help out where we can - mostly making any required props or sample crafts. This week I've made a sample love letter, postcard, thank you letter, scrolls containing clues, a rusted chain, a treasure map...it is very prop heavy material but it engages the children really well.

We had great fun pouring a sack of polystyrene over the children today as we pretended they were the sea. I "swam ashore" to our "desert island" to tell them about about Paul's visit to Phillipi and the earthquake at the jail Silas and he were imprisoned in - with the point that they were being shining lights, as Paul writes in his letter. Those verses in Phillipians 2 are some of my favourites.

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