Looking Forward...

By Fiono


Today was one of the last few joint camp rehearsals before the concert. The week's really flying by now. We all have these rather clever cardboard music stands which fold into a folder for carrying your music. The only issue is they tend to fall over, only being made of cardboard!

Today I got try out one of Lendrick Muir's newest activities: Raft Building. I had seen the LM Lochan taking shape last time I was there. Iain (another JMC leader) and I helped two teams build rafts from logs, ropes and barrels and then we were taken out to an island in a little rowing boat and left there to be rescued by the campers. The girls I had been helping beat the boys across to collect me and then back to shore. We were the first 3-barrel raft the LM staff had seen and they were very impressed with our design. I loved the activity and didn't even get that wet! I've been coming to LM every year for about 10 years now and it's great coming back to find new exciting activities being added.

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