Barbershop Duet

No singing though thank goodness.

I was winding down waiting on a haircut after a frustrating afternoon. Took the car in to get the winter tyres changed but the wheel-lock key was too worn to get the lugs off. So back home and, after an online search for a new key failed miserably, back out to the Peugeot dealership to order a new one and straight into a huge traffic jam. Got there in the end and found that the place doesn't deal with Peugeot anymore. Oh joy. There's only one other dealership and that's on the opposite side of town, so back to the car and back into more traffic jams and the frustration of Edinburgh's completely unsynchronised traffic light system. But I got there in the end, got the new key ordered, got home without mishap.
And went for a haircut!

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