W e l l , - it makes a change.

PANIC! We discovered "The Wagon" had run out of MoT while we blinked. When bought they said it was fully M.o.T.ed. We assumed it had just been done, whereas in fact it had been done about a couple of months previously.
So Dash into town, gaffer's scheduled hair-do, then up to top of town for MoT and option on Service.
As you can imagine, there's only so long you can sit and wait without a "visit". Considering it's a garage full of blokes I was gobsmacked to find this on the Toilet cistern. Must have been the Secretary Bird.
(Aside - I didn't realise they'd dropped the "i" and turned from:-
"Hi-Q" into "HQ"

I nearly had a photo/rant on a different topic. I'll settle for just the rant.

Side by side, up for sale, were a pair of items.
Both billed as Alarms. Which I suppose rightly, they were.
Local commercial radio keeps squeaking about a firm doing:-
 "Smoke Alarms" and "Carbon monoxide Detectors."
My, hair-splitting, instant, reaction was ... 
"What about the CO detector, doesn't it bother with the "Alarm" part of the process?
AND how T F can it be a Smoke ALARM without 1st detecting said smoke?"
Rant over.

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