
By EgyptUnveiled

Inspiring start to the day

Luxor has this very special way of throwing things at you.

Opportunities, different paths, new contacts, fresh ideas and concepts. I tend to go with what ever it has planned for me.

Each day when I wake up, an image pops into my mind of what I must achieve for that day and I always follow that first instinct, no matter how random it may be. No explanation required, no reason and no justification, I just know that from deep inside, I have to go with my feelings.

The thought today, as my eyes opened and became unblurred at the first sight of the Theban Hills, was 'To Walk'

Like I said, no reason to question and wonder why, I would be up and out early before the sun became too intense.

An hour or so later, checking through e-mails and sipping a fresh melon juice, I had a message from a man in Belfast. He was based in Cairo and had a team of people working for him at his Online Platform company 'Profile Tree'

They had spotted my photos and made contact with a Co Founder, who in turn made contact with me. As a result of this e-mail, we had conversations which both invigorated and motivated me.

I knew now why I needed to go for that walk! I needed a few new images to upload to the Profile Tree website, something fresh and new. Within 2 minutes of leaving home, having reached the start of the village, I saw Colourful doors and wooden shutters Many of them, in fact a whole street!

Isn't it odd the way things tie up and have meaning?

I can't explain why I chose this window, it just draws me like a magnet.

I have added it to the Digital Planet Competition, as the power of the internet and social networking is essential to being able to show your work. Make those all important contacts, gain support and encouragement, in the hope of one day, becoming successful at what you believe in and love to do.

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