Littlemouse Adventures

By LitlemouseLilly

Looking After Mum

Ferd has been looking after me today.

So I mentioned yesterday that I went to West Midlands Safari park (more pictures can be seen here) but I was too tired to tell you about it.

The trip was to meet some friends I have made on twitter, a spoonie get together (spoon theory a way of explaining chronic illness) it was lovely to meet everyone and also great to not have to hide, spend energy on 'covering' up because it simply didnt matter because we all understood - sometimes we get wobbly, sometimes we slur, sometimes we need just to rest, sometimes we drop things, etc.

Sometimes we take a calculated risk of feeling rubbish for a big day out.

Now I knew that it was going to be taxing on me and I really have no idea why I thought that an hour and 40 minute drive there, safari, walking around then an hour and 40 minute drive back in ONE day was a good idea (should have booked a hotel). Mr Mouse told me off - if he had have realised how far it was he would have made me book a hotel.

Today I have been reduced to tears due to generally feeling rubbish and stupid. I struggled to open a cereal bar, I shuffled about and gripped hold of things to stop myself from falling over. My nerves feel on fire and in the end I had to go back to bed because I simply couldnt sit or stand any longer. Ferd has been looking after me, never far from my side and always watching.

But I am looking forwards to doing it all again (erm with a hotel added next time).

Oh and my great day yesterday was topped off with being asked for my ID - yay I am 32 but apparently look under 25 :D
*happy Mouse dance - ok toe wiggle *

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