
By EdwardHealey

Queen's Park, Loughborough.

Popped into town to do some shopping and stopped for a coffee in the park, which was lovely as always.

On the weekend bike, a Surly Crosscheck, that used to be a singlespeed everyday bike but now has gears and has been promoted, sort of! Went proper retro today with the Carradice to match the battered Brooks Team Pro, which has served me well over the starship miles it's covered. Nice not to be lugging heavy panniers around for a change.

In extra photos you can see the poor old battered Brooks and the lovely bandstand in Queen's Park.

Lovely weather too so I took a longish way home over the rough tracks through Woodthorpe, past Beaumanor, through Woodhouse to Swithland, turn left to Rushey Fields Farm, past the reservoir and back down Bond Lane to Mountsorrel and then home to Quorn. It's the first time I've ridden for pleasure rather than work for ages, it's amazing what a bit of sunshine can do!

I'll definitely be out on the bike again tomorrow.

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