Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Day 338: - Jungles and Bluebells

I didn't know which one to pick so there are some more in extras - I think maybe the one with the path is better but I can't decide. I suspect the bluebells were at their best a week ago - we were in Devon then, where the bluebells were probably a week past their best! I think that's called sod's law.

We went to see The Jungle Book this morning - it was fantastic. Bill Murray singing The Bear Necessities, and Christopher Walken channeling his inner Marlon Brando and crooning I'm The King of the Swingers - what's not to like? We laughed and cried and jumped out of our skins. Awesome. To make up for a morning in the dark on this glorious day we walked this afternoon and marvelled at the beauty that surrounds us. Meanwhile John is in Spain where it is raining. Ha ha ha!!!

Quorn steak for tea - followed by an evening in the Blueridge mountains of Virginia, in the company of The Waltons. Still only on series 4....

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