
By cowgirl

Not enough hands!

Trying to orchestrate a photo shoot with three small children with only one pair of hands is nigh on impossible!

I got their grandma to take a few shots of me with her grandkids, but couldn't get all 3 in one shot with me, even though only 2 of them are up on their feet and able to get away! I couldn't leave little Alice as she was quite intent on finding out how bluebells taste, so I daren't be more than an inch away so's I could grab the flowers before they disappeared into her mouth.

Me and grandma were left holding the babies whilst dads were doing dad stuff and mums + aunty had gone off riding ( very jealous watching them go, but no horse spare for me at the moment ). I wanted some bluebell photos, so we packed the twin buggy with kids and camera and set off, me and big girl Mary holding hands whilst grandma pushed the other two.

We 'off-roaded ' into one of the woods around the farm and pushed on until we came across the beautiful bluebells. Millions of them. Their perfume hit us first, but I wasn't ready for the sea of them that appeared as we rounded a bend.

Mary and Alex picked up sticks and pretended to fish in a dry ditch and Alice just wanted to find out if the flowers were tasty!

As we wandered back it began to rain. Alex wanted to walk, so Mary and Alice were in the buggy. Luckily it had a rain cover which we quickly threw over them.

Grandma hitched Alex onto her back and we set off in double time, talking about how those of us outside the buggy were going to get wet.

" I have a hat " said Alex, in a manner that suggested he felt that was quite adequate to keep him dry. I think he liked jogging along on grandma's back to much to care about the rain.

Later on there was a very heavy storm, so we considered ourselves lucky to have only been caught out in a light shower.

As I can only add one extra, I've made a collage.

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