George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry

What do you mean..................

..............put it down?

I found it, so I can eat it - right?  That's what secret stashes are for.  Times of deprivation and starvation.  You can tell by the black bits that I've had it buried, and it tastes so good!  You have no idea!!

We are a day behind ourselves at the moment.  This is yesterday, and today's hasn't been done yet.

We (as in the royal "we") do have an excuse.  SHE was out at the Park for a meeting for hours an d hours and hours and hours, (get the drift?)...and when she did come back we was in the garden until it got too dark to see our hands (or paws) in front of our faces.

So, as they say in the media, watch this space.

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