Mermaid 'Die schöne Lau'

Mermaid 'Beautiful Lau' is a character from a story by Eduard Mörike, a German writer (1804 -1875). Lau had lost the ability to laugh and nobody in her own kingdom could make her laugh. One day she alighted from her native quarters, the Blautopf - a deep pond with mysterious deep blue water ( see extra shot) and paid a visit to a ( human) family. She made friends with them and each night she returned but disappeared again before midnight. Eventually she regained her lost laughing and had a happy time with the humans there.
She had to learn a tongue twister:
's leit a Klötzle Blei glei bei Blaubeure
Glei bei Blaubeure leit a Klötzle Blei

But one night she forgot to return to her mermaid family in time ...

We spent a wonderful day in and around Blaubeurenwith it's old monastery and old houses

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