Fear & Loathing

By McDawg

ralph turns up at last.......

you know today has been a bit of a mixed bag. it has restored a bit of my faith in humanity and kicked me in the sack at the same time!

you see ralph who i snapped last week was very late in getting to the cafe today. so late in fact that when i got there he still hadn't turned up. one of the first things out of my mouth was to ask where he was and had i missed him today? gill the owner told me that he still hadn't been in and she was getting a bit concerned. just as we agreed that she should give him a call to make sure he was ok he came wandering in through the door. turns out he had taken his car to get checked out and was running late because of it. it was heart warming to see gill concerned about him. she only knows him as a customer but has still managed to get his number over time just in case (heaven forbid) something really was wrong. it was reassuring to know that there are folk still out there who show an interest in others not because they have to but because they genuinely care about other people.

anyway the kick in the bollocks was work related and his pissed me off to the point of being willing to take the first thing i can find........it sure couldn't pay worse than where i am. hell i've known beggars who make a better living than me.

couple of tracks from the clash tonight
choice 1 (if only because it's where i reside these days)
choice 2 (as it reminds me of my underage drinking days in sneaky pete's in the cowgate.......as their logo said "probably the best jukebox in the world")

night folks......

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