George 'n Harry

By George_n_Harry

Keeping the warm

In the interests of modesty, I made HER crop this a bit.  And my eyes look weird, but that's the flash thingy and the red eye removal didn't work because my eyes aren't wide open and SHE didn't have time to muck around.  That's HER excuse anyway.

Oh my!  It's been a bad day today.  Lots of storms and rain - we like the rain, but I've had to dash out for a you know what in between squalls.  And I do NOT like wet grass between my toes.

I'm looking forward to bed time tummy rubs, which is why I'm keeping the bed warm in the hopes they comes up here really early, and we can all watch the DVD together.

All you puppies out there - you should try it.  It's ever so nice.  All warm and snugly, and togethernessy.

I like making words up.

Oh, and we're up to date now - at last.

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