
By HilaryinOman

Black-winged Stilt(adult)

This is a protective parent flypast by a Black-winged Stilt, as I am on a completely different level to the little chicks she doesn't look too concerned, although she is giving me a good look with those bright red eyes. The extra is of her in a much more worried state calling out, but she then stopped alert calling and left me alone and I did not want to upset her or her chicks, so there is no photo to show, but they were most definitely there. I love the way she is pointing those pink lengs and black tipped toes almost like a ballet dancer. It definitely seems as though there are lots of chicks about which is great but I do wonder what they think of this weather, it is very hot indeed. Yesterday I saw a Kestrel so they know chicks are about as well and that they need to feed their own offspring. The circle of life goes on whatever the weather.

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