
By SixTequilas

Common tern

Went back down to portobello beach to take photographs of the terns. I like the way they dive constantly and they're so active, and just generally a more interesting creature than the only other things I see at the beach - seagulls, and people. Neither of those two interest me much, although I do have a lot of photographs of seagulls flying. I don't know why, but I end up taking lot's of photographs of seagulls flying.

Anyway, was trying to get a photograph of the terns diving, and I got a few, but then I saw this lucky one had a fish and it was pretty close, although I've had to crop it a little and was zoomed in as far as I could go. All in all, a succesful day for photographs.

Not so succesful for baking. Tried to make baby eclairs - that's eclairs, but wee ones - and it turns out I'm not great at piping. I'm not quite sure of the technique you use to do it, but when I tried to squeeze some cream out the end about half of it ended up seeping out of the bag and into my hands. I also completely mucked up piping the choux pastry, and really should have used two baking trays instead of one. I ate some of them, then chucked the rest in the bin. Might stick to cupcakes for a while, they're a lot easier.

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