
By Mover

St. Swithunning - 40 years married

Walking the St. Swithun's Way - Day 3. Alresford to Winchester

We met a man at Winchester bus station waiting for the X64 to Alresford. We told him what we were doing and he gave us some advice. "Watch out for snakes".

From Alresford the path took us past the watercress beds, the reason for the Watercress Railway line. We followed the River Itchen and its streams, chalky things of beauty with many butterflies, particularly marble whites, and 'beautiful demoiselle' damselflies. At quiet moments our tramping song today was Ruby, Ruby, Ruby by the Kaiser Chiefs. We came to the first of the Worthy villages, Martyr Worthy, and its St. Swithun's church. We signed the visitor's book here and at St Mary's church, King's Worthy, where there is a window dedicated to St. Swithun. A detour took us to St. Swithun's Headbourne Worthy where the Friends of St Swithun's were having their AGM and a celebration. It is not far from there to Winchester Cathedral and the west door, which is the start and finish of the walk. Inside the St. Swithun's service was taking place and outside we asked someone to take our photograph, to record our 40 years and miles travelled, and 40 miles and years married.

Bird of the day was a kingfisher, sighted where the Itchen goes under the M3. Second - grey wagtails on the watercress beds, and third the yellowhammer, our constant companion. Bird of the walk- yellowhammer.

Walking the St Swithun's Way was our way of celebrating our St. Swithun's Day Ruby Wedding, but you don't need to be married or have a nodding acquaintance with St. Swithun to do it. It is a great walk and if you do it get the guide from Hampshire County Council. Not only is it indispensable, it's also a little work of art, price £2.99.

Let it never be said, the romance is dead
Ruby, Ruby, Ruby, Ruby

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