
It was like a Daphne Du Maurier novel, you would half expect a row boat appearing through the mist. An eventful walk though. First Rosie spotted her very best mates with much joy and excitement. We walked along with them for a while in a big doggy gang, including trying to eat the prize beach find - a whole fish. We dragged them away and then parted ways. Rosie then went for a full proper swim in the sea, rolled in shit that ended up caked all over her back, found the half eaten fish on the way back for another go and then found the pile of dead fish it had originally came from. I didn't go home, I took her straight to the dog grooming place who have a drop in wash and blow dry service for dogs. The best £9 I have spent in a long time, she was home an hour later all clean, dry and fluffy without a shitty fish odour about her.

In other ( just as exciting) news next week is now confirmed as just pay back for all those peaceful weeks I spend at home. I will be in NickC's neck of the woods come Friday though.....

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