Here it comes....

We woke to rain on the shutters, so did what all sensible people do and went back to sleep.
By 10 it had cleared, but the forecast isn't good. The high mountains were shrouded in cloud so we headed into the valley and along Le Bon Nant to the Cascades du Thermal and Crépin. I'd (wrongly) assumed this would offer blips a'plenty, but both the main viewing points were hindered by fallen trees. I guess they're a low priority as the summer season approaches. Still it was a lovely, relatively cool walk in the muggy air.
Spent the afternoon hearing about a friends adventures and pending marriage before heading home ahead of the (now torrential) storm. Along the way we stopped at Combloux to grab this shot of the storm building above the Désert du Plate with the Aguille du Veran looking impressivley  defiant.

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