Zebra Spider

The rain stopped around lunchtime so I popped outside to get my blip in the sun. Lots of species of wildlife are also sun lovers and I found several Zebra Spiders (salticus scenicus) on the south facing brick wall.

They are a type of jumping spider, so called because they actively hunt using their four pairs of eyes and pounce on their prey rather than trapping them in a web. The body is only about 1cm long but it can jump 10 times that.

Scouts was fun tonight. They were making trebuchets using clove hitches and square lashing to secure batons together. In another session they will use them to fire water balloons which is pretty cool.

(Note to self: mass' having failed; manip' vertebral joints, tract', tape. Core ex's back to basics. Naprox 4 dys).

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