Sally Hart

By rosiecatwoman

Beautiful Day

For a meander along the river with the Macro lens on Canon, with the intention of looking at the Chestnut spikes, but so much more to grab my attention and curiosity. 
I quite envied the guy in a canoe, though lots of jolly dogs got lively in the river around him, so he set off. My new neighbour tells me she wouldn't walk along the river as : " that's where all the junkies go". Oh really, am I  a river junkie ?, happily yes. I've never met anything but friendly kindness.

I had my first afternoon, laid on my back, enjoying the warm sunshine and reading John Le Carre's ' The Nightmanager' : heaven.   

Our peregrines, on the Cathedral Spire, cleverly hatched 4, all together, the day the weather warmed. See the extra's via the web cam to see how fast they are growing. Mother fed them, then wanted to tuck them under her feathers but they would have none of it. Amazing growth.

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