A Monkey's Tale

By MonkeyWithAView

Halfway Up The Stairs Is A Stair Where I Sit

Well, after last nights shenanigans, sleep was a very welcome rest. However 3 1/2 hours seemed more like a monetary blip in the day & before I knew it I was heading into work again. Today was forewarned to be quite busy with a trade fair visiting.

Due to the relaying of the road immediately outside our house, I was rather shafted for getting to work via the auto. Luckily however, our garden backs onto the course & so with my trainers on, my smart shoes in a supermarket plastic bag & a large stick in hand, I began my journey to work by hacking my way through 6ft weeds. I came out onto the field next to our house & then made my way in the direction of the hotel through you guessed it, more weeds. The sound of golf chatter told me I'd made it the course, but hearing that they were about to tee off, I had to hide behind a bush & wait.. quite surreal at the time. Any, feeling like a Muppet or some sort of weirdo golf course-dwelling bag man, I'd mad it to the path, despite some quizzical looks from players & being slightly late because of all the hacking, trudging & hiding.

It was a long day & I was very tired at the end of it. Although I'm now a pro at poring Cava, Bucks Fizz & Oj if anyone's interested, having been doing that for a good 6 hours today. Like a boss!

Oh & guess what Jenny has bought me for getting my exam results?.. any ideas?!

More sleep!

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