Let's get packing

As soon as Emmy and Millie decided to help with my holiday packing, I knew it was going to be fun. It was, it took me three times longer than it should have taken, and I had to drag Millie out of the suitcase at least five times, she kept running back into the case, as soon as I turned my back, it was hilarious.

Anyway, it was finally done, and now all set for the early morning flight to Venice to board the cruise liner and then down the Adriatic calling in at Croatia before Greece and the islands.

I will try and put up a blip each day but it depends on the wifi, and I am not getting caught by the Albanian and Montenegrin roaming charges like last time (mind you, last year, I moaned so much to 02 that they gave me my £80 charges back!).

Anyway, I hope you all have a good time.

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