The Daily Fox ...

By MaggieB

Paw Maisie ..

I thought Maisie was a bit under the weather yesterday and decided I better keep an eye on her.

She seemed ok at the park this morning (even upsetting the owner of one of her regular playmates by knocking his dog over - which he didn't mind so much - but then pinning him down. I hope I can stop her doing it, it'd be a shame if she has to abandon those friends :( )

Then we went straight to see mum in the care home. I left Maisie in the van to start with (it's been a very cool day!) and went in alone. Mum and I sat on a sofa and read Owl Babies together, which she enjoyed (and so did I!)

I went to collect Maisie for a quick 'Hello' ..  when I opened the van door she was lying there, crying. I took her into the home and rather than pulling on the lead and jumping about she just lay down and wouldn't move.

A couple of the carers reckoned she was limping. So off we went to the vet. Every time the vet touched her anywhere, Maisie cried. The vet said she was a bit of a drama queen, because she was very inconsistent with the crying!

The only consistent pain seemed to be in her tummy, so she's been give an injection of analgesic (which made her scream the place down) and has come home where she has done nothing but sleep.

Poor little thing.

Here's a sweet hare we saw today.

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