Baby siskin

I did say that the dunnocks seem to be the first babies to fledge but I had forgotten about the siskins that have been around for a while with a few new babies arriving now and then. You can tell they are newly fledged as they are not very confident in flying. They seem to be very independent from the start and I do nt think I have ever seen one being fed by an adult. This one perched nicely on the drift wood stick. I had a good view of it from my seat and through the flowers.
The male woodpecker came down today. I think it comes down quite a lot but tends to prefer the fat feeder on the Hobby house which is more difficult to see. That one has now run out and I'll leave it till the Winter now to replace that one. Both Bullfinches seen again and I managed a photo of the female. Hoping for a better photo to blip though.
A surprisingly sunny afternoon as the BBC forecast had said cloud all day. A lovely colourful sky to end the day although feeling quite chilly.

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