
By IntothewildMan


...caught in the fading light. A last minute blip.

Preparing a workshop I am due to deliver next week. I find I can only concentrate for a couple of hours at a time. In between I have been attacking sawfly caterpillars, planting a few lettuces, meeting up with a neighbour who we are hiring to mow the lawn (to give me more time to do the bits I enjoy), fiddling around a bit on the guitar and cuddling one of our cats (we decided she is overweight and comfort eating - needs more affection and a bit less food!)

It's chilly.

Have a good weekend one and all.

PS Can anyone tell me what you need to do in order to add extras? Whenever I try to upload a second photo, it wants to delete the first photo I have posted...not sure if I am doing something wrong or my "extras function" is not working...

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