
There were not the blooms I would have liked last year and so this spring I have been working on doing what I could to care for my hydrangea hedge.

As well as the pink, I have blue beginning to colour.  Not only do I have pink & blue on the same bush but even on the same bloom!

I am so happy with all the blooms on the bushes this year.  The hedge is going to be full of colourful blooms and I'm excited.

This week has been an emotionally tough week for us as Kent's nephew Jay (45 yrs old) had a leaking brain aneurysm Monday.  He was air-lifted to two different hospitals, ending up at Duke.  They clamped the aneurysm twice but Jay finally lost the battle yesterday afternoon.  

He leaves behind a wife, daughter and son, not to mention his parents, aunts, uncles, cousins etc. . .

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