That Will Do!

By flumgummery

It's Booksale Time Again!

A general view of books and browsers at Morningside United's annual Christian Aid booksale, fairly quiet as it was only half an hour after opening and not the crush of the sale in town (I may venture there during the week).
I managed to find a few books of music, local history and biography for myself and one or two for when the Flumlet comes to visit. Having already missed emhowl, over coffee I found myself at a table of other helpers, including Mrs chamberlainjohn - lovely to meet you!

This evening we attended the final of this season's concerts by the choir and orchestra of Heriot-Watt University, with a stunning performance of Beethoven's Symphony No 5, followed by Mozart's Requiem, using the arrangement by Richard Maunder, rather than the more frequently performed Sussmayr.

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