Art Co-op

Not the Saturday I had planned - but a good one none-the-less.

Took a little longer to wake up this morning - enjoyed my coffee on the screen porch and caught up on blips.  When everyone finally stirred, I ended up making pancakes instead of rushing everyone to get out of the house - we had planned to go to the farmer's market.  I'm not very good at pushing aside that cozy saturday morning feeling.

But after breakfast, we rode our bikes downtown - the farmer's market was done but we did go by the bike shop.  We found a new (used) bike for the boy - he has grown so much in the last year that his legs looked quite comical on his old one.  It was a fabulous price so that is a relief - we rather expect he will outgrow this one as well.  

We ate at a new (for us) restaurant downtown. It was a little pricy but has outdoor seating and the food was tasty.  It was nice to sit in the nice weather.  Especially since afterward a rainstorm blew in - completely unexpected - we thought the day was supposed to be fine all day.  The boys had gone home, but we girls had to ride home in the cold rain.

Before heading home, my daughter and I slipped into the Riverviews Art Co-op to wait out some of the heaviest drops.  The co-op is a gallery of local artists - rotates the exhibits fairly often - and today I thought there were lots of top notch stuff.  

This is by Michael Mewborn - it had movement when you looked at it in person - a very cool piece.  Michael Mewborn has been a Lynchburg resident since the early 1970's.  He worked as an artist for several years until he decided to focus his energy on his business.  He has returned to art after his retirement.  

I watched a Kahn Academy art video this morning.  It pointed out one of the reasons for abstract art - that it wasn't trying to pretend to be anything but what is on the canvas.  It isn't paint pretending to be flowers - it is paint on canvas which is affecting you just as it is.  Very thought provoking.  

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