The Common Blue Butterfly

I spent the first part of the morning trying to photograph several Orange Tip Butterflies but they didn't like our garden as they seemed to be passing through only. Lots of Common Blues so we got as close as possible to this one. He was visiting Forget-me-nots of which we have an abundance; I would pull them up but the insects love them...

After my Butterfly safari I went out to get some more compost & some more plants which I have since planted. I have also split my Hostas (better late than never) which were crowding the pots they were in. Lots of horticultural grit around the tops of the pots to deter the slugs & snails.

Sitting now with a glass & C has just returned from visiting D & is inspecting my efforts.

Sunny & warmer day today ...tomorrow we have a man coming to look at the patio with a view to relaying it.... all I need is some money unless he will take Hostas.....probably not .

Hope you are enjoying your Sunday - Oh yes & the extra is of an Old English Marigold with ...(yes you've guessed it) Forget-me-nots... 

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