Another Beautiful Scummer's Day

Scummer. Just because.

After an exciting trip out to Tesco we went for a walk down to the park. Euan didn't want to play on the swings, despite having them, and the rest of the park, all to himself. Really unusual that is for a summer's day in the school holidays. We then watched three hardy types fishing in the pond and wondered if fish minded the rain as much as we did. One lad was fiddling with what I though was his mobile phone but it turned out to be a dead fish. He chucked it off into the bushes as it wasn't going to make much of a fish supper, especially after all his fiddling.

We took Euan and his soggy arse home and watched a movie. Two in fact. Noticed that the BBC have added 24 completely new and separate TV channels to cover the Olympics that are starting this week. That's almost a channel per sport that is. Spoiled for Hi-Def, uninterrupted and interactive choice so we are.

Made some cheese sauce and cooked up some pasta to soak it up.

And, during all that, it never stopped raining for a minute.

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