
By TexMama

Playing with Fire

Because they're boys I suppose...we went out to sit on the patio this afternoon and could smell a nearby bonfire, which led to Littleman wanting to light the wood piled up in the fire pit...which led to talk of smelting things...so they got their smelter going and melted some old aluminium junk they'd been saving.  Lots of fun was had by all the boys, young and old :0)  

I said, "be careful, it's very hot, step back" more times than I care to imagine :0)

Not a great shot - I had the ipad in my hand, the camera was inside 

Will add a pic of their finished product - aluminium ingots - which apparently can be re-smelted to make something more interesting...not sure why we can't just make something more interesting the first time around...I guess it's because I'm not a boy, so I don't get it :0)

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