
By Tinks

Walk Away ...

The longest couple of weeks of our lives have now come to a close. After working for BFBS for the best part of 23 years (all but an 18 month career break when his Mum died) Today, Jamie has been made redundant pending appeal!

We're all gutted! But actually, the relief of knowing is far better than the waiting around not knowing... I promised myself a few days ago that I will never allow myself to feel so vunerable again and I wont! For the last few days, we haven't known whether or not Jamie has a job, the other thing we didn't know was, if he had a job, where in the world it would be or for how long... now at least we know! He has no job .... but at least we have each other and our 2 beautiful children!

The world's a very cruel place sometimes and I know my husband is very, very good at his job! Everything happens for a reason though and whatever the reason, despite the fact I'm in tears right now, will all come out in the future!!

Sorry for not commenting recently, I'm sure you all understand now why! :(

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