
By jiana

Sushi lunch with my mother

"Mom, once a person reaches 85 years of age, the risk for developing Alzheimer's grows to nearly 50 persent. As you are 84 years old, half of your age has symptoms of this disease."  When I told this, my mother burst out laughing.
"I was convined by your saying. It is the reason why one of my neighbers suddenly changed  her attitude toward us."

My mom has been worked for 40 years to bring up 4 childrens, now accepts her aging with laughing like this. She wants to donate her body to a medical school after death, because that she wants to contribute herself to the future.

In 25 years later, I wonder if I could have the same mental stage as her.

She lives in nursing home near my house. Listening ( not listening ) to her complain about her neighbors, I enjoyed with her lunch twice a month. She really like to eat and to buy clothes.

Sometimes I give her suggestion to accept the eccentric behavior of her neighbors as the symptoms of the decease and she imforms this saying to her neighbors.  Yes, she plays an role of counseler in her nursing home. Excellent !!  I hope that she is cheerful as long as possible.

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