The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Eye Spy

...a beautiful day.

Lottie and Pippa don't know what to do with themselves, it is so hot here.
I shouldn't complain. It makes a pleasant change from the rain!

Went on a little shopping trip this morning and P bought a sexy new laptop! I finished my pre-interview task for Thursday though it took longer than I had hoped. And I read about the training regime...18-24 months with distance learning and Masters-level study. That Ofsted lark is tougher than it looks now! Oh well, we will see what Thursday brings.

Been training. Knee is still painful, looks like patellar tendonitis. A bugger to get rid of. FFS. I have exercises and stretches to do now. It has to go away fast!

And finally, after a late tea, the dogs need a walk. Just too hot for them today.

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