Life Is Good!

Miss Mabel is adjusting to life in Connecticut very well.  Here she is, luxuriating in a morning sun bath, and digesting her breakfast in a leisurely fashion.  You can't see it in this picture, but she is surrounded by toys scattered hither and yon.

About an hour and a half later, she wasn't quite so happy.  I took her to the vet, because I noticed an awful lot of ear-flapping and scratching going on, and suspected an ear infection. 

This good little girl who has been so stoic and calm throughout the last two days turned into the she-bitch from hell as soon as the vet attempted to examine her!!!  She snapped and snarled at the poor woman, and wouldn't let her come anywhere near her sore ears.  A muzzle was produced, but once again Mabel wouldn't let that scary woman's hands get close enough to put it on.  Eventually I offered to try, and Mabel let me muzzle her.  Sure enough, both ears have an infection, and need to be treated with rinsing solution and ointment twice a day for the next several days.  To add insult to injury, she was then injected with a great big needle which inserted a microchip under her skin.  I have a feeling visiting the vet will not be on Mabel's Top Ten List of Favourite Pastimes!

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