Pilgrimage to Brotas

Just knew it would be one of those days - where you love loads of photos, and you're beyond choosing wisely - too tired and too much wine - but these colours do something happy for me...

We walked today from Mora to Brotas (6.8 miles) - a pilgrimage destination - it was so hot - and we were so grateful for the icy beer in this café when we arrived. Lost track of the variety of flowers along the way - and the colours! and the colour combinations! want to show you them all... And then we went to look at Our Lady of Brotas, famous for having cured a sick cow, and carved from a cow bone.

But the extra (taken rather shakily by the waitress) is of our true destination - a meal together with all our colleagues in the Alentejo - such a fun, relaxing time together, in Dutch, English and Portuguese - we are grateful.

And then a lift back in an old VW convertible...

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