After the Party

There is nothing quite as much fun as wandering around our back yard with the macro lens on my camera! Seemingly innocuous scenes take on deeper meanings, and this one looked to me like "the morning after the night before." You can make up your own story about these fading blueberry buds and baby berries!

I completed a major goal for 2016 today, having my revised Durable Power of Attorney for Health Care and Health Care Directive recently and today getting the five-page document notarized, making it official. One copy will go to our local hospital, where it will be scanned and placed in my medical record; I'll give a copy to my doctor; and other copies will be disseminated to my daughter and son, who will be my alternate agents, if Phil is unable to take on the responsibility. We'll keep one copy at our house, and I'll bring a copy when I'm traveling.

This five-page document spells out in considerable detail the specifics of the health care I would like to have, as well as the care I do not want, if I become unable to make my own health care decisions. Having worked as a health care writer and editor for most of my career, I have some strong opinions on this subject!

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