Views of my world

By rosamund


Having spent the last 3 days looking out at complete and utter greyness with barely a glimpse of the other side I was delighted to notice this evening that the rain had finally stopped. Took the opportunity to go out for a walk with Freya , we got home before the sky blazed pink for a few minutes but I was so taken with this elusive patch of blue sky hiding behind two different layers of clouds with just a glimmer of sunlight that I had to post it.

Had quite a busy day, knitting at Mhairi's with a delicious assortment of home baking, quick appointment at the doc's (probably allergic to my cat), then off to Carlos' flat in Paisley to finalise things with his tenant before we attempt to sell it. We've been holding on to it for four years in the hope things would improve with the market but as that's not really happening it's time to cut our losses, fingers crossed!

I really enjoyed getting out tonight, I've got used to a certain amount of activity this past fortnight and was feeling a bit sluggish having not done much. It was good to have Freya's company as she provided what we call "the Auntie Christine factor" as she challenged me to ascending the steepest, toughest stairs to end the walk and get us from the front up the hill. It was tough going but the endorphins have well and truly kicked in and I'm wondering when to do it again so I can improve my performance.

Ok, enough energy for one night, back to knitting.

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