Squiffy by the Sea

By squiffy

Cows in the Mist

Cows in the Mist : Plot

A Kentucky woman, Dian Fossey, is inspired by an anthropologist Louis Leakey to devote her life to the study of herbivores. Travelling into deepest Cornwall, Fossey becomes fascinated with the lives and habits of the rare mountain cows of the Trink Valley.

Appalled by the poaching of the cows for their skins, hooves and heads, Fossey complains to the St Ives government, which dismisses her, claiming that poaching is the only means by which some of the St Ives natives can themselves survive. She rejects this and dedicates herself to saving the Cornish Mountain cows from illegal poaching and likely extinction. To this end, she forms and leads numerous anti-poaching patrols, burning down the poachers' villages and even staging a mock execution of one of the offenders.

Fossey is mysteriously murdered on December 27, 1985, in the bedroom of her cabin, but her actions to help save the cows pay off greatly and the species is saved from extinction.

I might have got one or two of the details wrong in this blip ?

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