
By pattons6


Grandma, can you believe mummy took me to the doctors and she gave me 3 injections! (Immunisation time). Mummy was more nervous than me. I cried a little after each one but soon perked up after some milk.

After my injections we had a quick errand to run. We needed balloons, banners and a 40 mug for daddy. We also found the perfect cake....a chocolate hedgehog one. We also found a dress for my sisters party.

We then rushed back as mummy has her appointment with the doctor. Mummy has something called Tonsillitis. She has some medicine and told to rest.

We then decorated the house as its daddy's birthday tomorrow. He is off work tomorrow so we surprised him today.

We had a lovely cost bath before milk and bed. I slept well last night, so mummy hoping for the same again tonight.

I spoke to grandma today on the phone. I was waving, showing her my toys and saying hiya.

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