Life of a bubble maker

By redditchrascal

Spooky walk home

Finished work a bit later that I hoped. Needed to get a unit ready for some testing. Took Kilda for a big walk in the gardens as we were going out for a whisky tasting tonight. Left her in the kitchen in her bed with a couple of Kong’s filled with food. Met RD and FM outside and headed to Mary Kings Close. Had a nice time out even if the whisky could have been a lot better. Mainly Glen Dornoch, instead of single malts from the different regions but there was a very nice grain whisky. Came back to find that Kilda had managed to climb over the barrier but then got stuck the other side away from her bed, toys and water. At least she wasn’t barking and whining when we came in. Spent a bit of time with her before going to bed.

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