Pose Pelly!!!

"I am," she meowed, "This is my Pussy Galore look!"

Oh Lordy, what a day!! I was home early yesterday, but I didn't get back to base tonight until 22:50, thank goodness tomorrow is the last day. I feel 103 tonight....and probably look a lot older.

I was driving the mini bus today and a colleague sat up front with me. She is only nineteen and lovely girl, but sometimes I have to laugh at what she comes out with, today was no exception:

"So what is the difference between you and your brother then?"

She looked at me sideways, "Wellllll, he's a boy and I'm a girl...."

Pelly was being a diva and wouldn't pose for a photo so this was the best I could get. Now I'm going to collapse into bed.

It is Film Star Friday tomorrow. I'm still slightly miffed about the last one that was censored so I haven't really thought about what I'm going to do, it will probably be a quick rushed one if the day turns out like this one was....sigh. If you fancy joining in just tag it FSF9. Remember...no nudity and be especially careful where you put tulips.... as there are some prudes out there.

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