Salt Water Creek is Frozen!!

I was a smidge late for work this morning, not because it was very very cold -7 deg this morning, (well indirectly it was) it would have to be the hardest and whitest frost this winter. Doug tells me the weather on TV tonight Timaru scored the lowest frost reading in the country!! I diverse.

Anyrate, back to the story why I was late for walk, stopped off to snap two or three quick photo's of the creek iced over, job done and then my lens hood fell of and went skiddling over the ice. Had to scout around and find something that would reach out over the ice. Nobody around at that time so managed to retrieve it successfully athough very unladylike . The sun was just rising, giving these lovely golden hues.

The wee birds in the picture, swallows I think, were trying to landon the ice but just couldn't make it out. Beyond are ducks that are in a section that was not frozen.

A ho hum day, did some training this afternoon with my replacement, she is shaping up well now.


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