
By DigitalDave

Circles - of sorts....

Being in hospital yesterday for a hernia repair (yes, I'm falling to bits!), I was a bit stuck for a blip. I'm posting this one retrospectively.
It's my circular-ish  identity wristband they give you, with a bright light shining through the circular holes in it, plus some photoshop trickery. Hopefully this will allow me to scrape into the abstract Thursday theme of circles!

I'm feeling a bit better today, albeit rather sore. I will hopefully get my creative blip juices flowing again soon.

I make no apologies for the extra. My artistic advisor (a.k.a. the other 'alf) thought I should put this up on the site. It's a selfie of yours truly wearing his fashionable 'gown' and lovely DVT stockings awaiting his fate in the hospital. It's not one of my better photos.

Thanks to youoregon1 for hosting Abstract Thursday challenge.

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