Secret Bay

Sometimes it's just nice to take 5 minutes out of your day and watch the world go by. I seem to prefer doing this next to water for some reason.

Took a detour on the way back from dropping Mrs P off at work to the secret bay. It's not as well visited as some of the other spots on the shore and is usually a very quiet and peaceful spot, great for some self reflection, even if Pesky Princess is in toe clicking away on her camera and chatting away to me, putting the world to right and the learner pilots from Dundee airport were practicing their takeoff and landing skills every couple of minutes (you can just see one of them in the shot). Was lovely just spending some time with her before work.

I think we're all missing her brother who will be back in time for the opening of the Olympics on Friday. Glad to see the blippers who were lucky enough to attend last nights dress rehearsal kept the secret.


p.s incase you hadn't noticed, the sun was out for a wee while this morning and it was glorious!

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