
That's what today has been! Usual chicken open and fire in incinerator and then cutting back of the last bed of raspberries on my neglected other plot!Home, shower and off to tavistock to take Friend to chemo. Usual recycling, this time found Stilton cheese jar with lid, an earthenware vase and a mini tripod in the for sale part - all together cost me £3!! Next stop Lidl's - I only occasionally go there and today I just fancied it! I think partly because with my aunt coming over my mum is very much in my thoughts. She loved Lidl, or was it Aldi? I get the two confused! She liked the plants, the odd things like bird feeders and the game of Boules you could buy there! So I decided to check their plants out - came away with 3 bouquets of flowers for the bedrooms and front room for my visitors, 3 plants one of which was  a Actinidia arguta which is called any of the following:-Hardy kiwifruit, kiwi berry, arctic kiwi, baby kiwi, dessert kiwi, grape kiwi, northern kiwi, or cocktail kiwi!! It's a rampant grower and has edible berry sized fruit sweeter than a kiwi fruit and not hairy! The other two were a Bonsai Ficus Ginseng and a Pachira Aquatica!!! Mum would have been delighted - actually she would have said I didn't need any more houseplants - as would dad! But I hold dad responsible for my interest in plants as he was a great gardener! 
Anyhow! I also bought a selection of snacks for Friend and all the things I was going to get from Morrisons , and a few more besides! They had my favourite cocktail  Pina Colada in a premixed bottle so that somehow got in my basket along with a Spanish hard nougat  "Torta" with almonds and honey! 
I stopped at the pet shop to get  locusts for Gunther - whose feet I cleaned with warm water and a cotton bud last night! The skin he sheds never sheds from his toes and will layer up and cause his toes to fall  off so pedicure for Gunther it was! I think I could start a pedicure for pets business at this rate as I also sprayed the chickens legs this morning with a scaly mite preparation I discovered in the farmers shop a while ago! Wouldhave saved Colourful mai and I a lot of time if I'd known about it before we did their feet with surgical spirit and vaseline!
Anyhow - Friend snacked on everything I'd bought her, savoury, sweet and fruit! Before we knew it all the drugs were in her and it was time to go! Once home I tackled the other two fiendish places in my house - the cupboard under the sink and the top of the washing machine and shelves in the walk in cuPboard! Oh andoh joy Tilly has now gone broody! From a friendly, cuddly, inquisitive bundle of fur she has turned into a screeching, jumping, pecking monster! Locked out of the nesting area she was not happy and was making a right racket, , so eventually I put her in the cat basket in the porch! That shut her up! Looks like I shall be taking 3 chickens for a drive over the weekend!
So finally chicken lock up in the pouring rain.I took the baby kiwi up as it can grow up to 20 feet in a season! that will cover the deer fence nicely!!
So my blip is of the Duke of Bedford cottages in Tavistock! I parked next to them as the clinic is next to a school and getting a parking space there is impossible! So this was the only time I got my camera out all day! The cottages are Grade II listed and were built in  the 1850'sas the Duke of Bedford's housing schemes for his miners. Originally costing £82 to build and £4 to rent they are currently going for anything from £150,000!!!

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